December 20 – December 29, 2018
Master Wang Li Ping, 18th generational transmitter of Dragon Gate Daoism will teach a 10 day retreat intensive in San Francisco CA, USA December 20 – December 29 2018.
This is a unique opportunity to study with the greatest living Master of Daoist Internal Alchemy. This year Richard Liao’s annual Winter Solstice retreat will be hosted conveniently for North and South American students at the Bayshore Weston in San Francisco, California. I encourage you to read Opening The Dragon Gate to experience the simply incredible (yet true) story of Master Wang’s upbringing and training with three aging Daoist Masters before and during the Cultural Revolution in China (and since).
For yet further insight into his teaching read Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu or (roughly translated) Spirtual Jewel Arts for the Inner Development of Mental Capacities. This edition includes a rare translation of Master Min’s ‘Secret of the Golden Flower‘ with special emphasis on practical application and ChongYang’s ‘Five Ling Articles‘, the inner alchemy transmission from Master Wang to Cui Chi Qi, the founder of Dragon Gate Daoism, and Master Wang Li Ping’s ultimate grandmaster.
As a 40 year student of Daoism and a 12 year student of Wang Li Ping I can tell you honestly there is no comparable teaching available, anywhere.
As a huge bonus this year, Master Mantak Chia is going. Join in a unique opportunity to study alongside Master Chia with the modern Taoist wizard, Wang Li Ping.
Anyone interested can get full information by emailing Richard Liao,